October 21, 2013

President Dean Schlitter opened the meeting at Edgewater Golf Course

BIRTHDAYS:               Oct 25th       Ted Phillips

                                   Oct 23rd       Jo Thedens

ANNIVERSARIES:     Oct 25th       Paul and Barb Schmitz


ANNIVERSARIES:     Oct 24th       Charlene Stocker, 8 years

We welcomed student Rotarians:  Ashley Rosenstiel and Tyler VanDenHul and Rotary Foreign Exchange Student, Florian Denis.

Happy Bucks were given by Kent Nelson who got to see his daughter, Adrian, this weekend, Bob Larimer whose daughter was home from Phoenix for the first time in 8 years, Deb Howard was happy with the turnout at the OCAD Business after 5 last week, Joan Loew was happy to have won a pumpkin at the OCAD event, Matt Vogel spent the weekend in Minneapolis introducing his grandson to snow, Wayne Saur was happy to be able to be with us today.

Kathie Larson  Deb Howard’s name was drawn for the $27.00 jackpot, congratulations!

Our presenter today was Yvette Shinn, Mercy Hospital, speaking about the Honor Flight she attended with Jack Theobald in June.

If anyone is able to help plant trees Friday, October 25th, meet at 8:00 a.m. at the tennis courts by the Middle School with spades and gloves.

Susan Macken will ask for volunteers to help deliver the dictionaries to 3rd graders when the books arrive.

October 28th           Dr. Anne Pelc

November 4th         New Hampton Dr. about Guatemala Hospital Project

October Committee Members: Walt Saur, Maureen Nolan, Al Sanderson

November Committee Members:  Sandie Graf, Dean Schlitter, Deb Weigel

Rotary 4-way test: Is it the truth?  Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build good will and better friendships?  Will it be beneficial to all concerned?